Marshfield Chiropractic - 781-834-7300

Newsletter Articles
October 2024

  • Chronic Migraine Headaches and Neck Curvature Helped with Chiropractic
  • Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis
  • Sleep Apnea Helped by Chiropractic
  • Epileptic Seizures and Nystagmus Helped by Chiropractic
Chronic Migraine Headaches and Neck Curvature Helped with Chiropractic

Chronic Migraine Headaches and Neck Curvature Helped with Chiropractic

A case study published on September 22, 2024, on the research site Cureus documented the case of patient, who was suffering with chronic migraine headaches, being helped by chiropractic. The study also documented improvement in the patient's neck curvature.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke define migraine headaches by saying, "Migraine is a type of headache characterized by recurrent attacks of moderate to severe throbbing and pulsating pain on one side of the head." They note that these types of headaches can be characterized by an increased sensitivity to light, noise, and odors, and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The authors of this study note that chronic migraine (CM) headaches affect about 1%-2% of the global population. They also report that "Migraine causes significant human suffering and dysfunction, reduces productivity, and increases the years lived with disability."

In this case, a 29-year-old man went to the chiropractor to see if he could get help with his headaches. The man had been suffering with migraine headaches for 19 years which started for no apparent reason when he was age 10. Prior to suffering a migraine episode, the man would experience an aura which would include visual, and auditory altered sensations which could last up to several hours. His aura was always followed by intense face and head pain. His migraines would get so severe that he would be unable to function and was forced to lay in bed in a dark room for hours or even days.

The man had been to numerous medical professionals been prescribed a variety of medicine, was taking large amounts of over-the-counter medications, and had tried physical therapy. None of these approaches as given any significant or long-term relief.

A chiropractic examination and spinal neck x-rays were performed. The side view x-ray of the neck showed a reversal of a portion of the normal curvature and an overall forward projection of the head. Based upon the findings, a plan of specific chiropractic care was started.

After 24 chiropractic visits, a re-evaluation was performed. At that time, the man reported that his migraines had improved by 90%. Additionally, he also reported that his other initial symptoms of muscle weakness, numbness, and loss of function had totally resolved. The study also reported that the man's neck range of motion had improved. Follow-up x-rays documented that his neck curvature and forward head projection had significantly improved.

The authors of the study summed up the benefits of chiropractic for migraines by saying, "This study reports a case of successful non-drug treatment of CM in a 29-year-old male. Migraine affects a significant portion of the population, and the CM subset condition has significant implications for patients including loss of quality of life, decreased work productivity, and a contribution to the GBD (global burden of disease). Conservative treatment options are few beyond medication, and this study provides clinicians, physicians, and therapists an option with potentially beneficial effect."

Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis

Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis

On September 1, 2024, the research site Cureus published the results of a case study documenting the improvement through chiropractic of a patient with scoliosis who was suffering with chronic lower back pain. MedLine Plus describes chronic lower back pain by stating, "Low back pain refers to pain that you feel in your lower back. You may also have back stiffness, decreased movement of the lower back, and difficulty standing straight. Low back pain that is long-term is called chronic low back pain."

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases describes scoliosis by saying, "Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. Everyone has normal curves in the spine, and when looked at from behind, the spine appears straight. However, children and teens with scoliosis have an abnormal S-shaped or C-shaped curve of the spine."

In this case, a 34-year-old man was suffering with chronic pain in two areas, his neck and lower back. The man attributed his pain to very hard labor from his employment of being a heavy equipment manufacturer in the mining industry. In addition to his employment, the man had also played competitive rugby for 12 years and was involved in martial arts for the past 4 years.

Four days prior to seeking chiropractic care, the man had a neck injury while being engaged in marital arts. The man was experiencing neck pain that radiated from his neck into his right hand, along with tingling and a minimal loss of his right-hand function. The pain was so severe it affected his sleep and could compromise his safety at work.

In addition to his recent injury, the man also suffered with long term lower back pain that radiated into his right knee. He also reported a loss of sensation in his feet which he noted were cold much of the time. He also suffered with regular nose bleeding and had problems with frequent urination.

A chiropractic examination and spinal x-rays were performed. The x-rays revealed a moderate lower back scoliosis. Based upon the finding of the exam and x-rays, a plan of specific forms of chiropractic were started. The man was initially seen three times per week for his chiropractic care. After ten weeks of care, the patient was re-evaluated to determine the progress of his condition and his spine.

At his re-evaluation, the man reported significant improvement in his lower back and neck pain of between 85 and 90%. He also reported that he was no longer having a loss of sensation in his feet, as well as no longer experiencing cold feet. Additionally, his nose bleeding and frequent urination had resolved. Additionally, on follow-up x-rays, it was demonstrated that the man had a 30% improvement in his scoliosis.

Sleep Apnea Helped by Chiropractic

Sleep Apnea Helped by Chiropractic

The Asian Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study on October 1, 2024, documenting the improvement under chiropractic care of a patient suffering with obstructive sleep apnea.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), "Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by episodes of a complete airway collapse or a partial collapse with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep." The NCBI goes on to explain that obstructive sleep apnea can cause a loss of quality of sleep resulting in a variety of other health issues.

This study begins by noting that "Sleep loss has been associated with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular morbidity, impaired mood and cognition, and increased age-specific mortality." The authors further explain the importance of finding solutions for OSA when they say, "Current treatment options for OSA include lifestyle changes, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices, oral appliances, and surgery." They continue, "With many of the treatments being invasive and the outcomes unreliable, there is a significant need for alternative and effective management options for individuals with OSA, not only to improve their quality of life day-to-day but also to avert the potentially serious long-term effects of inadequate sleep."

In this case, a 26-year-old man who was employed as a bartender, presented himself for chiropractic care due to sports injuries he suffered previously that were causing chronic ankle, shoulder, and elbow pain. His history revealed that, several years earlier, the man had been diagnosed with OSA and had been using a CPAP machine. His CPAP monitoring showed he was having about thirty episodes each night where he would go from three to forty-nine seconds without breathing.

A chiropractic examination revealed the presence of multiple vertebral subluxations. Based upon the findings of subluxations, chiropractic care was started at the rate of two or three visits per week for the initial seven weeks. According to the study, "The care plan aimed to detect and correct chronic subluxations, and to support recovery from musculoskeletal pain due to sports injuries."

After seven weeks of care, the man reported that he had a significant increase in his range of motion and his pains were significantly reduced allowing him to engage in sports related activities. Additionally, it was noted that his CPAP machine reported a 50% reduction in his sleep apnea episodes, and he reported that he was experiencing better sleep as well as waking feeling rested.

In the study discussion, the authors commented that, "This case details the successful management of a patient with obstructive sleep apnea through a course of Chiropractic care. The patient reported a 50% decrease in sleep apnea episodes, as recorded by his CPAP machine, and noted more restful sleep. There was also a concurrent reduction in pain and an improvement in function when playing sport, as reported by the patient."

Epileptic Seizures and Nystagmus Helped by Chiropractic

Epileptic Seizures and Nystagmus Helped by Chiropractic

The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study September 16, 2024, documenting the improvement of epileptic seizures and nystagmus in a child undergoing chiropractic care. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes move rapidly and uncontrollably."

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke describe epilepsy by stating, "Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder in which groups of nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain sometimes send the wrong signals and cause seizures." They further explain that "During a seizure, many neurons send signals at the same time, much faster than normal. This surge of excessive electrical activity may cause involuntary movements, sensations, emotions, and/or behaviors."

In this case, an 11-year-old boy was brought to the chiropractor. The boy was suffering with epileptic seizures and rapid side to side movements of his eyes. According to the boy's mother, the seizures started a year and a half earlier. She reported that her son was having about six seizures each day with each of the seizures lasting about 10 to 15 seconds. The boy's mother did not know how or why the seizures suddenly started and she could not identify any activity or events that would trigger the seizures. The boy was taking a daily medication which had little effect on his condition.

A chiropractic examination was performed with the focus being on spinal positioning and movement. From this examination, it was determined that multiple areas of vertebral subluxations were present. After consultation with and consent of the boy's mother, a specific series of chiropractic adjustments was started.

After six chiropractic adjustments, the boy's mother reported that she noticed a slight decrease in her son's eye movements. By the 8th chiropractic visit, the boy's seizures had decreased from 6 per day to only one per day. By the 14th chiropractic visit, the boy's mother reported that her son had not had any seizures for the previous two weeks. By the 22nd visit, the boy's seizures had decreased from 6 per day to only one per month. In the study conclusion, the authors of this study stated, "This case described the outcomes experienced by a pediatric patient with a history of epileptic seizures undergoing chiropractic care."